Granny’s Tree Climbing- Class 8 DAV English Literature Solutions

Your search for the DAV class 8 English literature solutions ends here. With this article our site DavBooksPdf is going to provide you with solution of Chapter- Granny’s Tree Climbing. You will find detailed answers of chapter and its questions. We have covered both single answer questions and narrative types. So if you want to learn them all, continue reading. 

Also see:

Solutions of Class 8 English Literature DAV School: Chapter 2

I) Understanding the Poem

1. At what age did the Granny learn climbing trees?

Answer: At the age of six. 

2. Who taught her the art of climbing trees?

Answer: Her loving brother. 

3. How old was she when she last climbed a tree?

Answer: She was 62 years old. 

4. In which season did she get trapped in a tree?

Answer: In the summer season.

5. For how long was she advised to take rest after being rescued?

Answer:  She was advised to take rest for a week.

6. Who made a tree-top house for her?

Answer: With the help of the poet, Granny’s son made a tree-top house for her.

7. What things does the narrator carry to his Granny’s tree-top house daily?

Answer: The narrator carries glasses, a tray, and sherry to drink. 

B. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. We sighed with relief and tucked her up well. Poor Granny! For her, it was like a brief season in hell. Confined to her bedroom, while every breeze Whispered of summer and dancing leaves.

(a) Why did the narrator and his family ‘sigh in relief’?

Answer: The narrator and his family took Granny’s tree climbing activity as a disgrace. When the Granny fell sick and the doctor advised her to rest for a week, the narrator’s family sighs in relief because the Granny won’t climb trees for some days now. 

b) Why was Granny confined to bed? Why did she find it ‘a brief season in hell’?

Answer: The Granny was confined to bed on the doctor’s advice. She found it ‘a brief season in hell’ because she did not want to spend the whole summer confined in a room. She could not climb trees and had to spend a long period in her small room. 

(c) How did she finally get rid of this ‘season in hell’?

Answer: The Granny could not spend the whole summer in her confinement. So she asked her son to make a tree-top house for her. Her son complied with her request and made her a tree-top house. When the house was ready, the Granny started living there, and this is how she got rid of the ‘season in hell.’ 

2. —but it was feared by all That one day she’d have a terrible fall. The outcome was different—

(a) What did everyone fear?

Answer: Everyone feared that one day the Granny would terribly fall from the tree. 

(b) ‘The outcome was different’. What was this outcome? How was it different from what everyone had expected?

Answer: Once, the whole family of Granny had gone out. The Granny was alone, and she climbed the tree. Everyone in the family thought that she would fall from the tree, but she did not; instead, she remained stuck in the tree. This is how it is different from what everyone expected. 

(c) What did this outcome lead to?

Answer: When the Granny came down from the tree, the doctor advised her to rest for a week. The situation became hell for her because she did not want to spend the summer inside a room. 

C. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

Answer: The rhyme scheme of the poem ‘Granny’s Tree Climbing’ is aabb.

II. HOTS The poet says: ‘… every breeze Whispered of summer and dancing leaves.’ Discuss with your partner how breeze can ‘whisper’ and leaves ‘dance’. Which figure of speech has been used here?

Answer: By ‘every breeze whispered of summer and dancing leaves, the poet means that the breeze was a sign of summer’s arrival. The fluttering leaves due to the breeze was compared to leaves dancing. 

The figure of speech used here by the poet is- personification. The poet was comparing the leaves dancing with a human shape. 

III. Life Skills Granny liked living in a tree-top house more than living in an ordinary house. If you get a chance to live in a tree-top house, what problems would you face while living there, and what things would you enjoy?

Answer: The grandmother poet described in the poem is quite different from traditional Granny’s. She is quite active and enjoys the company of nature. She liked living in a tree-top house rather than in company with her family. Although living in close proximity to nature sounds very fascinating, it might not always be easy. If I get a chance to live in a tree-top house, I would definitely enjoy the natural surroundings, the sounds of birds chirruping, and the sweet breeze. But at the same time, I would miss staying close to my family and the comfort that comes with it. 

Some Important Tips from Teachers to Students 

Here are tips from teachers that will help students in their education journey- 

  • Be regular with your studies and complete your homework every day. 
  • Read your textbooks. Some students only read the notes and answers provided in school. But you should always read the textbook as well. 
  • Develop good values and habits. Practicing good habits from your childhood will help you become a good citizen.